The debugging packages are no longer being maintained. The documentation below was written for version 1.8.1 but is left here for posterity.
Debugging #
There are a couple of packages that help us debugging Fuel. To understand the output of the tools in this guide, you should know some basics of how Fuel internally works.
Serialization #
The most important thing to remark is that serialization is split in two main steps: analysis and encoding.
Analysis #
It consists in a graph iteration, mapping each traversed object to its correspondent grouping, called cluster.
Encoding #
After analysis, we linearly write on the stream, in these steps:
- header
- for each cluster, instances part
- for each cluster, references part
- trailer
Materialization #
It consists on progressively recreating the graph.
Decoding #
This is done by linearly reading from the stream. So, steps are obviously analogous to the ones above:
- header
- for each cluster, instances part
- for each cluster, references part
- trailer
Debugging Tools #
Ensure you have them with:
(ConfigurationOfFuel project version: '1.8.1')
load: #(FuelDebug FuelPreview).
Next, a transcript of some useful class comments.
I add draw capabilities to analysis in FuelDebug package.Right-click a node for inspect it. Some examples:
(FLAnalyzer newDefault
analysisFor: #((1) (2) (3) (4)))
(FLAnalyzer newDefault
analysisFor: #((1) (2) (3) (4)))
openPathsTo: 3.
(FLAnalyzer newDefault
analysisFor: #((1) (2) (3) (4)))
openPathsToEvery: [:o | o isNumber and: [o > 2] ].
They look like:Fuel Preview
FLDebugSerialization #
I am a serialization which facilitates debugging, by logging the stream position before and after main steps of FLSerialization
, including cluster information. Obviously, you should be familiar with such class and the algorithm to understand the output log.To use, send #setDebug to your serializer and run as usually. For example:
FileStream forceNewFileNamed: 'debug.fuel' do: [:aFile |
FLSerializer newDefault
serialize: ''hello'' on: aFile binary ]
Then, inspect the output log:
FLDebugSerialization last log
FLDebugMaterialization #
I am a materialization which facilitates debugging, by logging the stream position before and after main steps of FLMaterialization
, including cluster information. Obviously, you should be familiar with such class and the algorithm to understand the output log.To use, send #setDebug
to your serializer and run as usually. For example:
FileStream oldFileNamed: 'debug.fuel' do: [:aFile |
FLMaterializer newDefault
materializeFrom: aFile binary ]
Then, inspect the output log:
FLDebugMaterialization last log
There are a couple of packages that help us debugging Fuel. To understand the output of the tools in this guide, you should know some basics of how Fuel internally works.