libgit2 bindings for Pharo

This project is maintained by theseion

libgit2 bindings for Pharo

The goal of this project is the development of libgit2 bindings for Pharo.


To use these bindings you will need a 5 image and the latest VM:

curl | bash ./pharo-ui Pharo.image


Evaluate the following in a workspace:

Metacello new
  baseline: #LibGit;
  repository: 'github://theseion/libgit2-pharo-bindings:master';

Or to get the development packages:

Metacello new
  baseline: #LibGit;
  repository: 'github://theseion/libgit2-pharo-bindings:master';
  load: 'development'.

github support

The current bindings include very crude patches to allow pull and push operations to / from remote repositories (e.g. github). For this to work you will need:

To use a remotely hosted repository:

  1. add a new repository of type 'git://' to Monticello
  2. enter the cloning url (e.g.

Repository access will now do a pull, commit will trigger a push.


This project is still very experimental and push / pull operations have been implemented for convenience only. I use them for daily development but be prepared for unexpected behavior and VM crashes. I will update the instructions in this document while I make progress.